The Fighters

Neil Feldman

Neil, Stage IV Renal Cancer Fighter who calls himself "a work-in-progress", says that changing his diet and adding supplements made him feel the best since his 20s. He credits oncology for having progressed a lot in the last 5 years and for creating new "targeted" chemo drugs which are not lethal and which actually work to slow down (and/or stop) the growth of tumors. Neil is now after NED (No Evidence of Disease) and currently pursuing "Integrative" cancer therapy - that is, both undergoing medically recommended "traditional" chemotherapy and "alternative" therapy employing all natural anti-cancer/anti-inflammatory/dietary/hormonal/EFA supplements." 

Click to read Neil's Story and download a very informative nutritional supplement chart that he created for readers so they can get as much benefit as possible.

Randolph Henniger

Author, Speaker, Activist, Father, Husband and an Ostomate, Randy Henniger was given less than 30% survival rate in 1986 when he was first diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Today, 26 years cancer-free Randy is a technology professional and a part-time surfing instructor teamed up with the Wounded Warrior Program at the Naval Medical Center, San Diego, instructing service members who are physically challenged due to battlefield trauma, cancer or birth defects. Yoga, cycling, mountain climbing, a balanced diet and his wife of 34 years, Patricia are part of his survival kit.

Click to read Randy's Story
and meet the man who beat all odds to provide support, inspiration, hope and understanding to fellow cancer fighters everywhere.


Prostate Cancer Survivor Kurt feels that the message needs to get out about proper diet and we need to stop killing ourselves with junk food and typical American diet. He recommends a few books that have helped cancer patients turn around their verdict and take control of their health. From a diet of red meat, pizza, fast foods, Soda, dairy, Ice cream, Processed foods and a lot of deserts, Kurt became a complete vegan and in 20 months his scans have started to look good.

Click to Read Kurt's Story as he introduces to us to the new companion that his wife got him during his inspiring journey.

If you have a story to share that can help others know what symptoms to look for and/or can make a difference in their fight, please email us at
The Next Samaritan is You is a non-profit organization registered in Texas. The material appearing on is for educational purpose only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your medical doctor and do your own research for your benefits.